Mudyala Aboriginal Corporation teamed up with Clarence Valley Landcare and Working Together to bring a fun filled night of protecting and caring for country by rounding up Cane Toads. Cane Toads are a massive threat to our local ecosystem and have a terrible impact on our native plants and animals.
Our small group of 13 travelled throughout Townsend and collected 9 large Cane Toads.
A big thank you to Michael Kennedy, who is the North Coast Regional Landcare Network Aboriginal Landcare Officer. The first person to ever sit in this position and first position as this created in NSW. His Aboriginal Engagement Program called ‘Working Together’ helped link us in on the event! Michael works to increase Aboriginal engagement and participation with the Local Landcare Networks, and building collaborative partnerships with Aboriginal people/communities/organisations with Landcare.
We can not wait to go at this again. Thank you to Clarence Valley Landcare for providing our team with the gear to complete this activity safely.