In February 2023, we held the first of many Strong Women Healing camps to come. Helping our community learn to heal from grief and loss together. Leaning on each other, sharing stories, engaging in culturally safe activities. A camp driven by the women who participated.
Our Facilitators including Jenna McBeth and the Social Futures team, Tracey Duroux with Jewellery and weaving, Michelle Laurie with Art Therapy, Aunty Shirley with her massaging, Aunty Glenda with the salts workshop, Aunty Genelle coordinating the cultural photos, Aunty Lenore with all her guidance and support during the sessions and hosting the candle light honouring.
A big thank you to our partners and sponsors at Maclean Bowling Club, Social Futures, and Bulgarr Ngaru MAC. Thank you to Uncle Billy from Yaegl TOAC for supporting us to use the beautiful Woody Heads. The perfect venue. Shout out to Aunty Genelle and Deeanne for being huge supports to ensure this happens and taking lead when we needed you. Also a huge shout out to Amy and Matthew who kayaked from Yamba to Sydney opera house raising funds for this camp! You guys are legends.
What a great bunch of women! It was absolutely amazing and looking forward to seeing you all again in October 2023!