The Rising Warriors Program is an initiative formed by a group of volunteer Aboriginal men who are a part of the Bundjalung Baygal Warriors Rugby League Football Club (BBWRLFC) The BBWRLFC partnered with Mudyala Aboriginal Corporation to develop community led programs to support Aboriginal youth to achieve positive wellbeing.
The Rising Warriors Program aims to address Aboriginal youth suicide and mental health wellbeing in the Clarence Valley through cultural appropriate key activities and events. Mudyala Aboriginal Corporation were able to obtain funding through Yulgilbar Foundation and FRRR for this worthwhile two-year program.
Since 2021, Mudyala Aboriginal Corporation have engaged one worker to cover the area. However, as the program steamed ahead, it was identified that Grafton had close access to services such as Headspace and Clontarf for young boys. Therefore the focus shifted to Aboriginal boys in the Lower Clarence.
The Rising Warriors Program has been working closely with Maclean High School workers to identify the youth in need of support and positive engagement. These youth are then offered to participate in activities before and after school, encouraging school attendance with after school rewards, such as cultural activities, going to the beach or a simple team building exercise with basketball.
Mudyala have also engaged other services, such as OneMob Radio, to help build confidence and self-esteem of the Aboriginal youth.
The success of the program so far has seen increased Aboriginal youth engagement and participation in community activities, increase attendance rates of Aboriginal youth in the school area, and overall positive social and emotional wellbeing.
We appreciate FRRR and Yulgilbar and are looking forward to our Boys to Men Camp later this year!!!